Saturday, December 8, 2012

Who Let the Steam Out

With the cooler weather, hot showers and baths seem to last a little longer. Don't let the moisture collect on your walls and ceiling.

Your bathroom fan is one of the most important items in your home. Not only does it remove odors, but it removes moisture. Moisture is the top cause of mold, mildew and drywall damage. If left unchecked, it can create all kinds of problems not only with a healthy home environment, but with the structural integrity of the home.

It is important that your fans are working correctly and that they exhaust to the outdoors. I have seen many fans that are vented into the attic or crawl space under the home. This creates moisture issues in these areas that will rapidly create issues of rotted wood and the formation of mold.

How do you know there may be something wrong with your fans? Signs to look and listen for include: slow start up of fan motor, a scraping or grinding sound, fan not starting at all. Most of these mean the fan needs to be replaced.

A simple test to check if your fan is working is to place a piece of tissue against the fans grill. When the fan is running the paper should stay put against the grill due to the fans suction.

Yellow Van Handyman can repair and rebuild older units and install new units.

Let Yellow VAN Handyman come in and check your exhaust fans to make sure they are working properly and vented correctly.

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